My Movie Weekend

Deciding to have a weekend movie fiesta I got 3 DVD's out:1. Quantum of Solace2. Naked Weapon 2 / House of Fury3. Love GuruOn the surface totally unrelated right? But if I told you that each one had some...


Remember how much fuss there was a while back because of some comments Jackie made at the Bao Forum on freedom? May I supply some perspective AKA another opinion:There Is More Than One Jackie Chan (originally...

Shinjuku Incident US Release

Jackie Chan in Shinjuku Incident - US Release/Webs...

Bollywood? Sci Fi?

Sounds interesting ....Shahrukh Khan’s production house Red Chillies Entertainment is planning to rope in Jackie Chan for the superhero flick 'Ra 1'. It’s learnt if Shahrukh has his way; fans might see...

Learn a Word a Day

I just discovered that one of my favourite websites (NCIKU)to help me with Chinese has both a TWITTER and a FACEBOOK page. Their website is HERE. Follow them and learn some Chine...

Photos - Jackie in Guangzhou

Source: ENT.QQ.COM I have only picked out a few to post - there are many more at the link.LOS ANGELES January 27, King high-end men's once again working together to "Private teenager," Trust-Mart was held in Guangzhou tangxia massive third leg of a national...

Interesting Clip

This was uploaded today - interesting clip - we don't often see these 'on the street' clips of Jackie. Because he says 'J & J project, me and Jet Li' this was sometime just before 'Forbidden Kingdom'...

Interesting Comments from Amber Valleta

This is an audio report so you have to follow the link and listen but Amber Valleta talks about her impressions of Jackie - really interesting what she says.LINK H...

Did you know?

Sometime the oddest facts pop up so here is one for today ...Did you know that Michael Douglas's son Cameron was in 'Mr Nice Guy' as one of Giancarlo's men? No? I didn't either. But check out the credits...

Jackie in Chengdu

Next stop in the promotion tour for Little Big Soldier is Chengdu.News HEREJackie meets with terminally ill fan:I first read is the older brother Jackie Chan's "Twin Dragons" has all remember. "As a die-hard fan of Jackie Chan, Yao Jinrong terminally...

Premier with a Difference

The premier for Little Big Soldier on February 3rd sounds like it is going to be quite an event. It is to be held at the Wukesong Stadium in Beijing which seats 8 000 people. The premier event will be broadcast on Beijing Satellite TV on February 5th....

What a Day!

Yesterday Jackie was in Guanzhou promoting Little Big Soldier but he also attended 3 different events + interviews. This report gives you an idea of what the day was like.Now just add in some details from twitter we know Jackie left Hong Kong in the...

Jackie talks about Jaycee, Little Big Soldier and things

Although time was short Jackie had time to answer a few questions in Guangzhou today:New Express reported January 28 in Hong Kong say that Dawn's "thought-provoking saying King", in fact, Jackie Chan is well-lakes. Yesterday (27 days), even though he...

New Poster for Little Big Soldier

OOHHH this is NICE...

Jackie in Guangzhou today

Video HEREJackie!Lin PengSeung Jun300 free movie ticketsfollowing Shenzhen, Fuzhou, the January 27 afternoon, Jackie Chan, "Little Big Soldier" road show was held in Guangzhou, attracting large audiences onlookers. Portable film starring Jackie Chan,...

The Song Jackie sang in Spy Next Door

Actually I already answered this question HERE but as lots of people search for the answer and don't seem to find it I am doing a whole separate post on it.The song is from Jackie's movie 'Rob-B-Hood'...

Jackie on Chinese Talk Shows

Chinese talk shows:A...

Making of Little Big Soldier


New Clip from Little Big Soldier

New Clip with behind the scenes of Little Big Soldier HEREAnd a different one on youtu...

Lin Peng Joined Jackie on Asia Uncut

Netease Entertainment January 26 reported that January 22 , The film "Private Game" main actor Jackie Chan, Lin P, Wang Lee Hom Star Tv gathered in Shanghai to attend the meeting will be activities for the film promotion rally. As the only woman who...

Jackie Promotes 'Little Big Soldier' in Chengdu

"Private teenager" Tomorrow will be Jackie Chan Lai Rong newspaper11:00-11:30 morning, this newspaper will be a hotline 86.96918 million collected 20 "Dragon fans" The upcoming February 14th release of...

Jackie Signs onto Advertise Washing Powder

At 18:40 on January 18, 2010, Jackie Chan, Qi strong brand advertising, "Decontamination Real Kung Fu" chapter 81 in Beijing Film Studio was recorded Studios fourth-round crank up, and entered the post-production phase, expected in February 4, completion...

Inspired by Jackie

I don't usually watch these Jackie inspired videos of guys trying to be like Jackie because they usually are kind of silly, not to mention dangerous - those 'DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME' warnings are there...

Counting on your fingers in Chinese

I was looking at stuff this morning and came across this information on counting and number gestures in Chinese and I thought it was interesting enough to share with you:Chinese number gestures are a method of using one hand to signify the natural numbers...

New Video 'Little Big Solder'

New video clip of 'Little Big Soldier' of interviews/behind the scenes/clips - LOL it's a little bit of everything! At first I thought it was the same as the last one but it's not!HERE is the direct ...

Photos of Shanghai Expo 100 day Countdown

For some reason there has been a distinct scarcity of photos of the 100 day countdown ceremony to the Shanghai World Expo that Jackie and Yao Ming attended last week. So it is my pleasure to share these few with you:Source: 66WX.COM or TRANSLATED"If...

Two More Stills from Little Big Soldier

Source: ENT.QQ.COM There is also a 'new' short teaser trailer on this link so take a lo...

Paper Plane from Space?

Ok so this is not Jackie this morning but it is Asian so I guess it counts! LOL - MY blog MY rules!Anyway I have to admit that one hand I must admire the tenacity but on the other hand I think WHY? I...

Closing lines to a review of Spy Next Door

These closing lines to a review of Spy Next Door made me smile:I have always been impressed that the Jackie Chan film made in Hollywood always have Chinese elements. This film has Jackie singing songs...

Mulan - Make A Man Out of You Lyrics

大家同心作战,让匈奴绝望 为何这群士兵都像个姑娘?你们笨拙,散漫,又扭捏我会改变你的前途 要成为男子汉不认输扎稳你的步履,内心要坚定开阔你的胸襟,求生要决心胆小又害怕,心乱如麻 你惊慌茫然无助要成为男子汉不认输(我气喘如牛快断气)(西方极乐等我光临)(我看大家全都被他吓傻了)(他们心惊又胆战)(我的身份还是秘密)(掉到水里可会要了我小命)Chorus(男子汉)行动快速像那江河湍急(男子汉)破坏力像那风暴无情(男子汉)满腔热血像那野火雅静神出鬼没像那暗夜的噩梦时光毫不留情匈奴快毕竟听从我的指令才能够活命沙场太残酷血光杀戮若害怕踏上归路...


I can never quite decide if these are disrespectful or not but often they are very funny. This one is so well done I have to share it and you decide what you think.And have you seen th...

Trailer for Little Big Soldier with Subs

I still think this movie looks absolutely amazing - I am SO looking forward to ...

Little Big Soldier Shortlisted for Berlin Festival

Not only has 'Little Big Soldier' been shortlisted as the 'one to watch' at the Berlin Film Festival but because it is the 60th Anniversary of the Festival Jackie will attend in person!(Roundup) (Sing...

Two Videos

Here are links to two videos about Jackie - the first HERE is a news report on Chinese Zodiac. The other HERE is about looking back at Jackie's career. Enj...

Jackie talks about 'Chinese Zodiac'

Video and summary of what was said H...

Jackie Adverts

Over the years Jackie has advertised so many products but his adverts usually contain - well - Jackie!And one of my all time favourites: Watch out for Brad Allen (JC Stunt Team) as one of the agen...