Baidu Entertainment News on April 2, Ping for a long time by the lyrics, Yan Yi Dan (previously known Yan Dandan), Liu Jia composer, Jackie Chan singing Song of the Southwest drought relief, "drink from the source" in Beijing recording is completed. Songs will be on April 3 "drought relief operation, we" show's theme song for the first time a large public audience. "Drink from the source," Although the time of the birth of the drought in the Southwest, but not only at this time carry forward the national spirit of the people help each other, but all kinds of disaster, the people, as always, "kinship, a difficult one P Plus initiative to support" commendable spirit and understanding.
Jackie Chan: "drink from the source" from the behavior of each individual bit
To "drink from the source," the lead singer Jackie Chan is, this song is not an occasion of making. Over the years, Chan has been engaged in public welfare and work, life has been practicing with their public commitments. The re-awakening of the people of Southwest drought awareness of water conservation, and water conservation is already on the Jackie Chan is a habit. According to Jackie Chan to the staff side, each end of the event, Jackie Chan will remind the audience will not bring drinking water to drink, even if the drink can also be used to finish pouring the tree; Chan finish their drink every time mineral water, also will remind the assistant to help him bring.
Jackie Chan on April 2 for recording, on April 3 would sing this song at the party, on the creative team and Jackie Chan himself is no small challenge. Jackie Chan hopes the song will inspire the hearts of everyone in the small acts of love melt, the "people in disaster areas, every drop of water are valuable, and we save each drop of water that gathered together contribution is very significant. "
Ping for a long time: "drink from the source" from the descendants of the good and the beautiful
Wenchuan earthquake, Wang Ping for a long time to hit people wrote "through life and death", that song stayed with disaster stricken people and always pay attention to people across the country through so many tough day and night. However, in writing, "drink from the source" when Wang Ping for a long time said: "I do not want to" drink from the source "written" through life and death, "the shrill, she should be warm, relaxed." The idea originated from his non-hit people relief operations concerns.
Concerned about the drought in the Southwest, the Ping for a long time on the one hand to see the seriousness of the disaster-stricken areas, but it is also found that, in the absence of any cases initiated, the people outside the disaster area but had a variety of ways to help in the disaster area, many mineral water was transported to the disaster areas, especially in the hands of children there. The mineral water from where? "The water is transported from all over the country the past. I saw a bottle of bottle of water behind the pool of love, earthquake, earthquake in Haiti, many people have made calls for disaster relief, but now there is no appeal, nor the mobilization, when After the disaster, Youlichuli, money money, people are so understanding of the relief brothers and sisters, that love has become the norm, a habit, a kind of civilization. "drink from the source," the source in our civilizations, the source of five thousand years of cultural heritage, source of beauty in children in China. "In saying this, the Ping conceal his heart has been touched for a long time.
Yi Yan Dan: "drink from the source", from our sense of responsibility for the younger generation
"Drink from the source," the composer Yan Yi Dan (formerly Yan Dandan) with Liu Jia is 80, can control when this song is not difficult. Yi Yan Dan said: "This is a very easy to learn songs. Ping for a long time to write the word the teacher is very warm, very plain, and we hope when people hear this song will be think this song is written its own, rather than just to show or only singer to sing. because everyone has love, water conservation should also be a civic obligation. "
According to Yan Yi Dan introduces the song's arranger and recording staff are a group of 80, are temporary turned down to business with creative play this song. This also happens to confirm the long-Wang Ping said: "Once upon a time, people doubt that after 80, 90, 00 after the other, asking the nation to bear responsibility for these children, the country's future. But they are the Olympic Games the most 亮丽风景线 as earthquake the most beautiful statue, a drought in the most sweet nectar, the world's most breathtaking sign of the times. Today, these lovely children with the most lovely words interpretation of it all! "drink from the source" is the source of these lovely children. the responsibility before We can no longer divide their age, ethnic and spiritual tradition, regardless of 80, 90, 00, after ... ..., do not think that their responsibility is worse than we, they play next. have them, we have the future, there is the future of national ! "
It is understood that "drink from the source" has been identified as the April 3 "drought relief we in Action" a large public party's theme song. Benefit Dinner will Yunnan TV, Guangxi TV, Guizhou TV, Beijing TV, Dragon TV, Anhui TV, Guangdong TV, Tianjin TV, Shandong Satellite TV, Phoenix TV, Zhejiang TV, Jiangsu TV, Fenghuang Wang, Beijing People's Radio, BAMC more than a dozen broadcast and other media reported. According to general director show description: "The decision to" forget their roots "as the theme song of this show, not only because of the lyrics warm atmosphere, but because the song called on the public interest lies with the other songs are different." Drink from the source " not more important than appeal to love, but the emphasis promote love, because love calls already embedded in everyone's heart, and action, and the community has long been up. This party 'our action' theme also coincide. "
百度娱乐讯 4月2日,由王平久作词,严艺丹(原名严丹丹)、刘佳作曲,成龙演唱的西南抗旱救灾之歌《饮水思源》在北京录制完成。歌曲将作为4月3日《抗旱救灾 我们在行动》大型公益晚会的主题歌首次与观众见面。《饮水思源》虽然诞生在西南旱灾之时,弘扬的却不仅是此时全国人民互帮互助的精神,而是在各种灾难面前,国人一如既往地“亲如一家,一方有难八方主动支援” 的可贵精神与默契。
据了解,《饮水思源》已被确定为4月3日《抗旱救灾 我们在行动》大型公益晚会的主题歌。公益晚会将由云南卫视、广西卫视、贵州卫视、北京卫视、东方卫视、安徽卫视、广东卫视、天津卫视、山东卫视、凤凰卫视、浙江卫视、江苏卫视、凤凰网、北京人民广播电台、北广传媒等十几家媒体进行播出报道。据晚会总导演介绍:“之所以选择《饮水思源》作为本次晚会的主题歌,不仅是因为歌词的温暖大气,更是因为这首歌曲与其它重在呼吁的公益歌曲是不同的。《饮水思源》并不重于呼吁爱心,而是重在弘扬爱心,因为要呼吁的爱心早已经深植于每个人的内心了,并且社会各界也早就行动了起来。这与晚会‘我们在行动’的主题也是不谋而合的。”
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