Jackie, Jaycee and Wilson Chen

Jaycee and Wilson Chen at a local restaurant
NetEase Entertainment April 22 Newsletter (Taiwan reported group Cai Shiwei report) before his son Jaycee Chan NTV of Japan's invitation to participate in "THE iron hand DASH" video, father and son concentric beat opponents, Jaycee Chan also specially spending NT 6 median, asked my father to eat crab feast.
Jaycee has arrived in Taiwan debut album "Chaos" in the promotion of the album with his father over Jaycee Chan, Wilson Chen friend the Japanese NTV 4 ch - Nihon TV ratings high at the invitation of the program "THE iron fist DASH "popular with the Japanese group Tokio War on the streets for survival game. Jackie Chan had previously been to this particular battle with his son Jaycee Chan, that was the father and son for the first time on the same stage! The Jaycee Chan and Chen Bo Lin was with a group of war, is open from 6am recorded, after a day of bitter war, the last Jaycee diversionary tactics to take the lead heroic sacrifice, the transfer note and defeat the enemy, the group won. Jaycee in the recording process, the old trouble asthma attack, relying on nasal spray to complete the video, look at the father, said Chan has distressed straight body to enhance the training.
Jackie Chan has his son's wit is very satisfactory response, but because it led to the first Jaycee Victory strong heart beating, and was father Jackie Chan say: "too impulsive, or will not sacrifice so fast!" Jaycee is choked back : "You are very impulsive before Ah!" then the father and son to laugh!
In addition to video in Japan, the Jaycee Chan very filial please dad high bushel crab feast, Jaycee Chan said: "My dad loved to food, particularly fond of seafood." So please enjoy the dad to eat crab Rare species, the food to the coffers of major blood loss Jaycee Chan, NT spent six figures. Jaycee said: "rarely get together with her father to see her father very happy to eat, I also feel good happy fun!"
网易娱乐4月22日讯(台湾报道组 蔡世伟报道) 成龙房祖名父子日前应日本NTV的邀请参加《THE 铁腕 DASH》的录像,父子俩同心击败对手,房祖名还特地花费台币六位数,请父亲吃螃蟹大餐。
房祖名日前刚来台推出首张专辑《乱》,在专辑宣传之余房祖名还与父亲成龙、好友陈柏霖应日本NTV 4 ch - Nihon TV之邀在收视超高的节目《THE 铁腕 DASH》与日本当红团体Tokio进行生存游戏街头大作战。成龙之前曾上过,这次特别带着儿子房祖名作战,这可是父子俩首度同台!此次房祖名与陈柏霖则与成龙一组参战,从早上6点即开录,经过一整天的厮杀,最后房祖名以声东击西的策略率先壮烈牺牲,让敌人转移注意而大败,为该组夺得冠军。房祖名在录制过程中,老毛病气喘发作,靠着喷鼻剂才完成录像,看的老爸成龙有心疼又直说身体要加强训练。
除了在日本录像外,房祖名还很孝顺的请老爸成龙大啖高档螃蟹大餐,房祖名说:"我爸就爱美食,特别喜欢海鲜。"因此请老爸吃螃蟹品尝各种珍贵品种,这一吃让房祖名的荷包大失血,花费了台币六位数。房祖名说:"平常很少跟老爸聚在一起,看老爸吃得很开心,自己也觉得好有趣好开心!"(本文来源:网易娱乐专稿 )
April 22 Newsletter (Taiwan reported group Cai Shiwei report) Jackie Chan's son Jaycee Chan recently invited by the Japanese NTV "THE iron hand DASH" video, father and son concentric beat opponents, Jaycee Chan has a special six-figure cost of NT , asked my father to eat crab feast.
Jaycee has arrived in Taiwan debut album "Chaos" in the promotion of the album with his father over Jaycee Chan, Wilson Chen friend of Japan NTV 4 ch - Nihon TV ratings high at the invitation of the program "THE iron fist DASH "popular with the Japanese group Tokio War on the streets for survival game. Jackie Chan had previously been to this particular battle with his son Jaycee Chan, that was the father and son for the first time on the same stage! The Jaycee Chan and Chen Bo Lin was with a group of war, is open from 6am recorded, after a day of bitter war, the last Jaycee diversionary tactics to take the lead heroic sacrifice, the transfer note and defeat the enemy, the group won. Jaycee in the recording process, the old trouble asthma attack, relying on nasal spray to complete the video, look at the father, said Chan has distressed straight body to enhance the training.
Jackie Chan has his son's wit is very satisfactory response, but because it led to the first Jaycee Victory strong heart beating, and was father Jackie Chan say: "too impulsive, or will not sacrifice so fast!" Jaycee is choked back : "You are very impulsive before Ah!" then the father and son to laugh!
4月22日讯 (台湾报道组 蔡世伟报道) 成龙房祖名父子日前应日本NTV的邀请参加《THE 铁腕 DASH》的录像,父子俩同心击败对手,房祖名还特地花费台币六位数,请父亲吃螃蟹大餐。
房祖名日前刚来台推出首张专辑《乱》,在专辑宣传之余房祖名还与父亲成龙、好友陈柏霖应日本NTV 4 ch - Nihon TV之邀在收视超高的节目《THE 铁腕 DASH》与日本当红团体Tokio进行生存游戏街头大作战。成龙之前曾上过,这次特别带着儿子房祖名作战,这可是父子俩首度同台!此次房祖名与陈柏霖则与成龙一组参战,从早上6点即开录,经过一整天的厮杀,最后房祖名以声东击西的策略率先壮烈牺牲,让敌人转移注意而大败,为该组夺得冠军。房祖名在录制过程中,老毛病气喘发作,靠着喷鼻剂才完成录像,看的老爸成龙有心疼又直说身体要加强训练。
i love you jackie ♥ zahra from iran ^^
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