Today, BMW hand in China Green Foundation was officially launched in Beijing, "BMW shade action." "BMW shade action" is a BMW in the field of corporate social responsibility of environmental protection is another power move. Activities initiated as a side, BMW is not only personally actively involved in tree planting, and also called on the majority BMW and MINI owners to join the activities, improve the environment, efforts to create a better home. President and CEO of BMW Group Region China Dr. Shi Dengke, BMW Brilliance Automotive Ltd. President and CEO, Mr. Kang Siyuan, Vice Chairman of China Green Foundation, and the BMW owners on behalf of Mr. Yang Jiping, Mr. Chan attended the project launch ceremony.
"BMW shade action" by the BMW China and BMW Brilliance launched aimed at enhancing the BMW and MINI owners of large-scale public awareness of environmental protection activities. BMW will take the lead in the Yangtze River in Chongqing Banan District, planting 1,200 acres of green forest, while BMW will call for all car owners to actively join the campaign, and BMW to work together in the next three to five years for the establishment of green BMW in recent mu base to improve local integrated environment. In the "greenery, Yue natural world" under the slogan called, BMW will be inspired by positive action to promote greenery growing number of participants in the common protection of the environment, building a green home, and contribute to society, to create joy and harmony widespread and happy. "BMW shade action" will become the China Charity Federation BMW Heart Fund to pool forces another contribute to the community of a broad platform.
BMW Group Greater China, said President and CEO Dr. Shi Dengke: "BMW BMW shade actions fully embodied the core brands - BMW of Yue. BMW is not just control of the Yue Yue, still dream of harmony, it is responsibility of the Yue. BMW and BMW Efficient Dynamic shade action strategy to achieve a BMW from the different levels of environmental and social commitment to sustainable development. BMW shade action will lead us to sow the green, harvest joy! "
International superstar Jackie Chan as the majority of BMW owners on behalf of himself to conference site, and donated the first BMW plant Green Forest 100, to become involved in "BMW shade action" of the first owners. Mr Chan said: "The protection of the environment need to start each one of us bit by bit, and I hope to join BMW shade action."
"BMW shade action" will be based on the principle of voluntarily by the BMW and MINI owners to plant trees donated to the China Green Foundation funds, by the China Green Foundation, took the tree planting. To encourage owners to participate in a planned completion of afforestation task, BMW owners will also donate an equal number of plants and trees. BMW and MINI owners can choose their own contributions and donations by BMW authorized dealer, took the contributions of these two methods involved in the activities. (Please login www.bmw.com.cngreentree)
Protection of human survival and sustainable development in today's society an important issue, also BMW China Corporate Social Contribution important part of a series of activities. As a sustainable development strategy to actively advocate and leader, BMW automobile industry has been committed to promoting the positive development and the environment: from brand strategy, BMW EfficientDynamics strategy of actively promoting, through innovation and actively promote clean energy technologies to lower energy consumption. 2009, BMW was the fifth consecutive year as the Dow Jones Sustainability Index most sustainable automobile manufacturer. Today, "BMW shade action" carries BMW, owners and distributors as well as the good wishes of staff in China start to continue in a different way to honor the commitment to environmental protection.
今天, BMW携手中国绿化基金会在京正式启动“BMW绿荫行动”。“BMW绿荫行动”是BMW在环保领域履行企业社会责任的又一力举。作为活动发起方,BMW不仅身体力行积极参与植树造林,同时还号召广大BMW和MINI车主加入到此次活动中来,为改善环境、共创美好家园做出努力。宝马集团大中华区总裁兼首席执行官史登科博士、华晨宝马汽车有限公司总裁兼首席执行官康思远先生、中国绿化基金会副主席杨继平先生以及BMW车主代表成龙先生出席了项目启动仪式。
宝马集团大中华区总裁兼首席执行官史登科博士表示:“BMW绿荫行动充分体现了BMW的品牌核心 ――BMW之悦。BMW之悦不仅仅是驾驭之悦,还是梦想之悦,更是责任之悦。BMW绿荫行动和BMW Efficient Dynamic战略从不同层面实现着BMW对环境和社会可持续发展的承诺。BMW绿荫行动将带领我们播撒绿意,收获喜悦!”
环境保护是人类生存和当今社会可持续性发展的重要课题,亦是BMW中国企业社会贡献系列活动的重要组成部分。作为可持续发展战略的积极倡导者和引领者,BMW一直致力于推动汽车产业与环境的良性发展:从品牌战略上,BMW 积极推广 EfficientDynamics战略,通过不断的创新技术和积极推动清洁能源来降低能耗。2009年,BMW连续第五年被道琼斯可持续发展指数评为最具可持续发展力的汽车制造商。今天,“BMW绿荫行动”承载着BMW、车主和经销商以及员工的美好愿望在中国启动,以另一种方式持续兑现对环保的承诺。
Thanks for the post SCB!
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