Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The World is Changing all the time....


Found this tidbit of news today - and so passes an era .....

China ushers in a new Golden age of movie-making

Mainland China’s media company Chengtian (Orange Sky) has completed a takeover of the legendary Hong Kong film company Golden Harvest, creating closer ties between the two film industries, The Hollywood Reporter writes. Golden Harvest Orange Sky, as the company is now called, has, through the takeover, become mainland China’s first listed film company. Golden Harvest produced more than 600 films and was responsible for turning Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan into household names. The company was founded by the fabled Shaw Brothers executives Raymond Chow and Leonard Ho in 1970. Chengtian belongs to a new breed of aggressive players in the mainland film business, the paper reports.

Original link: http://www.thenational.ae/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20090730/ART/707299972/-1/NEWS

(It is about half way down the page)


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