Jackie Branches Out With Canon

Today in Shanghai Jackie attended the launch of the new Canon PIXMA inkjet printer range as the new spokesman for the printers. The slogan of the campaign is 'Enjoy colour, print life".http://digi.tech.qq.com/a/20100831/001952.htmhttp://tech.xinmin.cn/3c/2010/08/31/6583748.htmlThis...

"Revolution" Update

A new film celebrating the events of the 1911 revolution led by Sun Yat Sen is in the works. It is the 100th anniversary of the revolution next year and the film is being timed to have a release date in September 2011 to coincide with the celebrations.Jackie...


A few news clips of Jackie and Kaspers...

Jackie Supports Kaspersky Anti-Virus Today

Kaspersky launched their new products for 2011 today at Jackie's Yaolai theater in Beijing. Jackie was of course on hand to lend support. In addition to launching a range of new products including a secure desktop environment Jackie brought along the...

PHOTOS: SportAccord Combat Games Opening Ceremony

SOURCE: sport.yzdsb.com.cnFor some other BIG photos - go H...


Lin Peng represented Jackie at the opening ceremony for "Revolution" in Changchun yesterday. The movie will start filming soon and is expected to finish filming in September 2011. As the producer of the movie Jackie spoke via video, excusing his absence...

Another Jackie Chan Subor Learning Machine Advert

Here's another advert for Subor Learning Machines - the 'Xiao er lang' version. 'Xiao er lang' is a popular Chinese children's song. The advert presents a play on the lyrics to promote Subor. For...

Lyrics: Youth Are Strong

少年强作词:王平久 作曲:舒楠 演唱:成龙啦 啦啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦~~~啦 啦啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦~~~少年强 心飞扬 断了路梦在天上败不降 最坚强 泪擦干挺起脊梁 情无疆 义坦荡 爱种在生命战场恕我狂 勇敢闯我不是倔强张扬 天的空是地宽阔胸膛 地让天举起年轻的力量选择了荣光爱需要拼到无尚人性光芒打亮梦想的路上痛苦泪水浇灌着歌唱生命会有看不到边际的阳光我和你长大让爱也一起成长成功背后矗立希望的肩膀少年强...

Lyrics: Wo Zhi Zai Hu Ni

我只在乎你作词:慎芝 作曲:三木 演唱:邓丽君, 成龙(爱过的人 错过的魂 曾经拥有 就是永恒)女:如果没有遇见你 我将会是在哪里 日子过得怎么样 人生是否要珍惜男:通往平静的天梯 是你最美的声音 让天空都放晴 就让世界更光明女:任时光匆匆流去 我只在乎你 心甘情愿感染你的气息人生几何能够得到知己 失去生命的力量也不可惜所以我求求你 别让我离开你 除了你 我不能感到一丝丝情意男:谁的世界没有风 谁的世界没有雨...

Lyrics: Zhen De Yong Le Xin

真的, 用了心作词:张淳淳 作曲:涂惠元演唱:成龙有一種感動 放在心中誰也不能碰 我心中有一個痛 千瘡百孔有誰能懂 每一次你的笑容 只出現在夢中 這世界 我要的愛情 總是一場空 有時候孤獨 是種讓愛充電的享受 我到底還要多久 才能找到愛的窗口 每一次走在雨中 都想牽你的手 人海中 只要一想到你 心就更寬闊 我是真的 真的 用了心 為你演出每場戲 結局是悲還是喜 有再大的風雨 我的引擎絕不停 我是真的...

Review: Around the World in 80 Days

Around the World in 80 Days has always been one of my favourite non-Jackie Jackie movies. If that makes sense lol. It isn't really a "Jackie Chan Movie" featuring, as it does, a whole host of other stars. And it avoids the Jackie trademark outtakes at...

New Pajero Advert on the Way

Jackie filmed a new advert for Mitsubishi Pajero in Shanghai recently. SOURCE: AUTO.CNWEST....

Sportaccord Combat Games Looking Good!

I know Jackie mentioned the possibility of him and Jet Li doing a demonstration of wushu during the opening ceremony. I wonder if anything has come of that idea? Would be wonderful if they did.BEIJING, Aug. 24 (Xinhuanet) -- With only a few days left...

Jackie Donates to Zhouqu

Zhouqu County, Gansu Province after the mudslide disaster in the subject of much attention, international superstar Jackie Chan has also been hit heart, his name Jackie Chan Charitable Foundation in Beijing...

Asia Song Festival 2010 Press Conference Photos

There are many more photos on the link so take a look:SOURCE: MEDIA.PARAN.COMIncludes some video on THIS pageSOURCE: KR.NEWS.YAHOO....

Asian Song Festival 2010

SEOUL, Aug 23 (Benama) -- Leading Asian pop stars will gather here in October to lend the city a festive mood ahead of the G-20 summit that will be held for the first time in Asia later this year, Yonhap news agency reported organisers as saying Monday.The...

Tian Xing Jian - Sportaccord Combat Games

Fastest search in the West (or East for that matter)! Here it is! For your listening pleasure!...

Very Rare Advert Subor Learning Machine

This is a very rare advert for Subor Learning Machines featuring Jackie and some other person (ha ha ha)....

More Photos Of Jackie At The Mengniu Future Star “Kids Choice” Awards

Some of the photos on the link are the same as we have already seen so I have just included a few of the best. Plenty more on the link though so take a look. EEUGH LOLLOL now who is having fun getting his own back!Action legend Jackie Chan gets slimed...