Filming has continued on the MV for the Olympic Song "Best Wishes From Beijing" 《北京祝福你》. The song was written by Wang Pingjiu. There will be a festival celebration "Bless Your Olympic Dream" which will be held on 27 July 2012 on the plaza between the Birds Nest Stadium and the watercube. The festival will be divided into four segments - Dream, Patriotism, Peace, and Beijing Bless You - to celebrate different aspects of the Olympic Spirit. The festival will feature a host of stars from China, Korea, Sweden and Britain.
Jackie filmed an additional segment at the Birds Nest Stadium today as well as attending a press conference held by the Beijing Olympic Committee about the festival. A new charitable initiative co-ordinated by SOHO News Network and CCTV Children's TV Channel to supply sports shoes to children across China was debuted at the ceremony and was supported wholeheartedly by Jackie who donated a pair of sports shoes, signed by him, to the charity.
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