Saturday, July 16, 2011

Jackie at Eco-Forum in Guiyang.

Jackie Chan, Feng Xiaogang, Chen Yao, Xue Wei, Chang Han, quiet, Zhao Wenxuan, Chen Sisi ... ... Yesterday, eighteen show business celebrities gathered in Guiyang, in addition to their ecological forest to participate in training activities, also in the evening at the famous eco-charity on their talents, music and dancing. In an interview with reporters, the stars are full of praise for the weather in Guiyang, the "ecological civilization, Guiyang, 2011 meeting," said a high level of recognition. They talk about environmental protection, ecological theory, the public had to take steps to promote "green living."

Jackie Chan: little things to do environmental

Always love the environment and public welfare of the Jackie Chan, this time led by the "Dragon Family" came to Guiyang. Jackie Chan told reporters, in order to allow the recycling of resources, he would often bring back the concept of environmental protection to learn foreign country. "No matter where filming is not to destroy the environment where we always head the concept of environmental protection, then the people living on Earth will have a better living environment."
"Now for me in terms of environmental protection has become a habit in the mineral water bottle on the name written on, so that will not tell water bottles and waste; drinking water brought endless tree; after drinking, the bottle should flattening on the trash, it saves a lot of space. Also, I will not allow fireworks concert, tickets must be made of collectible stamps. "talking about environmental protection, Jackie flight, In his view, as a public figure at any time promote environmental responsibility and obligation. This year has been selected as the China Environmental Awareness Week with the ambassador, the Jackie Chan Foundation launched the ONE DAY LIFE one day affect the Earth's events, "I hope through this event, called the global participation of the Chinese with environmental, health, public attitude towards life a day, so committed to their own life and future of the planet is more responsible. "



“现在的环保对于我来讲已经成为一个习惯了。在矿泉水瓶盖上写上名字,这样就不会因为分不清水瓶而浪费;喝不完的拿来浇树;喝完后,瓶子要压扁放在垃圾箱中,这样可以节省很大的空间。还有,我的演唱会不许放烟花,门票都要做成有收藏价值的邮票。”谈起环保,成龙大哥滔滔不绝,在他看来,作为公众人物随时有推行环保的责任和义务。今年被评选为中国环境与宣传周的形象大使后,成龙的基金会也启动了ONE DAY LIFE一天影响地球活动,“希望通过这个活动,号召全球华人参与,用环保、健康、公益的生活态度过一天,从而承诺对自己的人生和地球的未来更加负责。”



Jackie and all the other participating artistes made Eco-Ambassadors

One Day Life Project:


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