CZ12 was entered into the Okinawa Film Festival which closed yesterday 30 March 2013. The theme of the festival was [Laugh and Peace]. The Laugh Grand Prix prize went to CZ12 beating 9 other entrents....
Adverts for China / Jackie in Janadriyah
Jackie was appointed Ambassador for China and Guest of Honour for the Janadriyah Festival to be held from the 4th of April 2013.
Cast Your Vote For Jackie
Vote For Jackie for Time Magazine Top 100:
The 2013 TIME 100 Poll
Cast your vote for the leaders, artists, innovators, icons and heroes that you think are the most influential people in the world....
Jackie Visits SUTD in Singapore

Jackie paid a visit to the Singapore University of Technology and Design today.
Jackie Chan visited the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) on Tuesday much to the delight of students there.
He dropped by the interim campus...
Jackie Attends Fundraising for School

Jackie attended a fundraising event for the construction of a new independent Chinese school in Kuantung Malaysia on 23 March. Jackie auctioned off 2 special Dragon watches and a painting by artist Hao Zheng.
Jackie flew in for the event on his...
Jackie gets Huading Nominations
Jackie has got a double nomination for the annual Huading Awards. He has been nominated for Best Director and Best Actor for CZ12. The awards are the result of a massive online survey and once the nominations...
Jackie due in Malaysia tomorrow
Jackie is on his way to Malaysia tomorrow to participate in a fundraising event for the construction of an independent Chinese school in Kuantun.
KUANTAN: Action superstar Jackie Chan will join Prime...
Jackie Chan To Attend Janadriyah Festival - Updated

The 28th Janadriyah Festival will be held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia from 3 - 15 April. The festival showcases the cultural heritage of Saudi Arabia. Each year a different nation is invited to attend as a guest to showcase their cultural heritage. This...
Jackie Chan Han Meilin Calligraphy

Jackie posted this picture of a calligraphy drawing on weibo recently and asked readers to guess what it was. Yesterday he posted the answer to the question. It is his name '成龙' in a calligraphic style given to him by Han Meilin, a very famous Chinese...
Jackie Chan Wallpapers

In the absence of other news I spent some time creating some new wallpapers. HD format - just right click and save.
Rules for use and sharing:
Please use them freely but if you share them on your social network or blog please give credit to...
"Homeland" Lyrics
"Homeland" Lyrics. Translation to follow.
《国土》 我站在这块土地上天涯海角连着四面八方丹心照汗青不只一个人在想我的国土 我的声音回荡我用血肉筑起的墙再大风浪也不停止站岗精忠报国不只刻在肌肤之上我的国土 我的名字一样寸土不让 大好河山守土卫国 守土为家身作河山 心愿一起痴狂好儿女 生当去征疆场寸土不让 肝胆荣光天下兴亡 匹夫怎能相忘大同世界 心做和平肩膀八千里路云和月...
Why Jackie is Wearing Glasses

Jackie has worn a pair of glasses throughout the CPPCC sessions prompting many people to ask 'why?'. A reporter posed the question to Jackie at the launch of Chen Sisi's album yesterday. He replied that he was wearing glasses in order to establish a...
Jackie Attends Chen Sisi Album Launch

Yesterday Jackie also attended the launch of Chen Sisi's new album:
Jackie Officially Releases "Homeland"

Yesterday 8.03.13 Jackie officially released his new song "Homeland". During the release he described the song as having "inspiring and positive energy" and that he preferred singing songs like this.
Last Set of Photos from the CPPCC

This is the last set of photos of Jackie from the CPPCC sessions.
Jackie thanks a server for refilling the water.
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