It is the 25th Anniversary of JCCF and to celebrate Jackie surprised the children of this year's JCCF Happy Camp with visit. He sang songs, played games and showed them how to dispose of their water bottles.
Jackie is very humble person, I love his simplicity, he never be proud. In fact today I'm ALIVE because of him, he saved my life and give me a right direction to my life, I very thanksfull to him and God ofcouse who make possible to my meeting with Jackie. Love u Jackie. Anu Singh, India
I LOVE HIM SO MUCH when He smile or he is so serious ....I LOVE YOU JACKIE CHAN !!!! He is happy smile crazy...but really must be very strong to do that things..!!!!
Jackie is very humble person, I love his simplicity, he never be proud. In fact today I'm ALIVE because of him, he saved my life and give me a right direction to my life, I very thanksfull to him and God ofcouse who make possible to my meeting with Jackie. Love u Jackie. Anu Singh, India
woooow !!!!!!
Happy 25th Anniversary of JCCF and to Jackie and to all of you !!!
SMILE !!! LOVE YOU JACKIE !!!!!! <3 :)
I LOVE HIM SO MUCH when He smile or he is so serious ....I LOVE YOU JACKIE CHAN !!!! He is happy smile crazy...but really must be very strong to do that things..!!!!
To me Jackie also helped in many of my hard times and I will never forget it. I wish him long life, long fame and many wonderful years.
i here to thank god to show me about all the messages and events of my master from his sharings through this blog thank you master
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