I'm sure others will get warm clothing as well but only the one which Jackie Chan attends will hit the news. It's good that none is forgotten. Often in the big cities these people are forgotten as everyone assumes that as they live in a big city they don't need it as were people who live more remote are on forehand thought of to be needy. At least the people who are in need of warm clothes are put in the spotlight and helped. I don't think Jackie Chan will ever forget these people as he got warm clothing from an organisation as well when was young.
It's always a good thing to help people, but I think there are more people in need of this type of help in colder parts of China.
It gets unexpectedly cold in HK in winter and the elderly are often ill-prepared for it as well as unable to afford cold weather clothing.
busy, busy with promoting Dragon Blade but never too busy to help others. Really great :-)
I'm sure others will get warm clothing as well but only the one which Jackie Chan attends will hit the news. It's good that none is forgotten. Often in the big cities these people are forgotten as everyone assumes that as they live in a big city they don't need it as were people who live more remote are on forehand thought of to be needy. At least the people who are in need of warm clothes are put in the spotlight and helped. I don't think Jackie Chan will ever forget these people as he got warm clothing from an organisation as well when was young.
I love Jackie´s great habit to give warm clothes to elderly people. He never forgets about them.
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