Dragon Blade cost RMB 400 million to make.

Over 700 crew worked everyday speaking more than 14 different languages.

The props department covered an area of 2 500 sq.m. There were over 100 000 props of which 60 000 were handmade.

There were 18 different departments - the stage management alone had over 50 people.

Locations included Hengdian, Aksay and Dunhuang, in total the movie travelled more than 4 000 km.

The average working day was 19 hours with a total of 2 000 hours spent on making the movie.

More than 2 800 loaves of bread were required daily, in total 400 kg of food was eaten every day.

120 vehicles were used everyday.

126 horses were used.
Wow that looks sooo awesome. Sounds like such a big production. Nice to see the split-screen for film and filming and funny to see Jackie Chan directing backwards on a horse :-) we have to wait for several months more. But these clips, foto's and facts are great while waiting. thank you for posting
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