Spotted on Weibo

This made me laugh. I found this searching Weibo for anything interesting: In history class today the teacher asked 'How do you think we should get back the artifacts lost in the Second Opium War?" The...

Character Posters for Dragon Blade are HERE!

Continuing the gold and black theme of the previous posters for Dragon Blade these character posters are stunningly dramatic. To save the HD version just right click and save on each picture. ...

Tools of the Trade Wins a Panda

The WildScreen Panda Awards are known as the 'Green' Oscars. Wild Aid, Jackie and 'Tools of the Trade' PSA have won the Wildscreen Festival Campaign Award. SOURCE: WILDSCREENFESTIVAL.ORG You can enjoy another look at the PSA below...

Chinese Influence TV Show

The tenth season of "Chinese Influence - Young Director Competition" was launched today with an introductory show featuring Jackie, Zhang Yimou, Stanley Tong and other actors and directors talking about their thoughts, hopes and dreams for the next generation...

Skiptrace Press Conference

Skiptrace held a press conference in Beijing to introduce the movie. In attendence were Jackie, Renny Harlin (Director) Johnny Knoxville and Fan Bingbing (co-stars). Also present was a rather unusual vehicle which is one of the get-away cars in the movie,...

Jackie & Kenny G

Kenny G posted this pic of himself with Jackie on 27 September 2014 with the following text: This is what happens when I go to China… My music is super popular there. Look at my Chinese big brother! He can sing, SOURCE: TWITTER.COM/@OFFICIALKEN...

Dragon Blade Pics

Two new promo pics for Dragon Blade. ...

Skiptrace News

Production has now moved to Huairou Film Base just outside Beijing. And Sara Maria Forsberg posted this pic of herself and Jackie filming in Beijing on instagram: According to IMDB she has been cast as 'Natalya...