Jackie has been very busy again, but found time to give an update.
这一阵子也不知道从哪说起,就从香港吧,北京回到香港的当天就为保护野生动物公益片配音,配到半夜还没配完第二天就要飞到台湾,一下飞机就去参观台湾故宫博物院,晚上参加金马奖, 很侥幸十二生肖又拿到最佳动作奖,对我来讲,拿奖已经其次了主要是参与,但是我知道第五代和第六代的成加班一定很开心,晚上就是一个庆功宴接又一个庆功宴,第二天一早在再车到台中参观亚洲大学,也见了台中市市长,谈到将来合作的一些细节并在当天回到香港,下飞机继续为野生动物配音到半夜两点. 第二天早上开完几个将来电影的会,下午就飞回北京从北京转机飞郑州,行程就如此的紧凑,郑州洛阳郑州为自己第三个西安影城开幕,第二天就飞赣州开车到长汀,希望我捐的古房子早日落成,也呼吁大家保护古建筑,更开心的是,在长汀见到我的好朋友马未都,每次听他讲话我都能学到很多东西,这次他还送我一个非常可爱的礼物,大家猜猜这是什么做的?要用多长时间才可以做好呢?
Now, because there is a one hour fight light, which is relatively boring, I just have time to call my assistant to pick up the phone to share my recent updates. I do not know where to start with this because it has been a while. From the Hong Kong, to Beijing back to Hong Kong on the same day to dub a wildlife protection charity film. I completed that at midnight. The next day I would fly to Taiwan to visit the National Palace Museum in Taiwan, and in the evening to attend the Golden Horse Awards.
Zodiac got very lucky ... Best Action Award, for me, winning the prize is something I have achieved many times, but I know that the fifth-and sixth-generation must be very happy. That night was another celebration, and then the next morning I went in the car to visit Asia University, Taichung. I also met the Mayor of Taichung City and talked about some of the details of the future cooperation between Hong Kong and Taichung. Back the same day on the plane to continue to dub for wildlife untll the middle of the night for the second time.
The next morning was a meeting to discuss several future movies. In the afternoon I flew back to Beijing, from Beijing to Zhengzhou, as we are on a tight schedule, we flew Zhengzhou, Luoyang, Zhengzhou, Xi'an Studios for their third opening. I flew the next day Gangzhou to drive to Changting. I hope that the house I donated is completed soon. I also called on everyone to protect ancient buildings. In Chanting I was happy to meet with my good friend Ma Weidou. Everytime I listen to him I can learn a lot of things, and this time he gave me a very lovely gift. Can you guess what it does? How long before you can guess?