Jackie has been very busy again, but found time to give an update.
这一阵子也不知道从哪说起,就从香港吧,北京回到香港的当天就为保护野生动物公益片配音,配到半夜还没配完第二天就要飞到台湾,一下飞机就去参观台湾故宫博物院,晚上参加金马奖, 很侥幸十二生肖又拿到最佳动作奖,对我来讲,拿奖已经其次了主要是参与,但是我知道第五代和第六代的成加班一定很开心,晚上就是一个庆功宴接又一个庆功宴,第二天一早在再车到台中参观亚洲大学,也见了台中市市长,谈到将来合作的一些细节并在当天回到香港,下飞机继续为野生动物配音到半夜两点....
Donating Historic House In Fujian

Jackie was in Changting, Fujian donating one of his remaing historic houses this morning. After signing the donation agreement Jackie was given the Key to the City and made an Honorary Citizen of Changting.
Jackie Chan Cinema Opening
Jackie attended the opening of the Jackie Chan Cinema in Luoyang, China to the delight of hundreds of fans who braved the cold for hours for a chance to see him. Photos from Weibo.
Hong Kong Performing Artistes Guild's 20th Anniversary Fundraiser
The Hong Kong Performing Artistes Guild's 20th Anniversary celebration took place last night at the Kowloon Bay International Trade and Exhibition Center. The theme for the evening was "Back to School" and members attended in school uniform fancy dress....
National Palace Museum

While Jackie was in Taiwan for the Golden Horse Awards he took the opportunity to visit the National Palace Museum in Taipei. Jackie visited The All Complete Qianlong which is a special exhibit on the aesthetic tastes of the Qianlong Emperor.
The Qianlong...
Video: Golden Horse Awards
An assortment of videos from the 53rd Golden Horse Awards:
(Some may be repeats of the same footage)
Accepting the Award:
Jackie Wins Best Action Choreography!!

Jackie was accompanied by Wu Gang and He Jun to the 53rd Golden Horse Awards in Taiwan where they won the Best Action Choreography Award for their work in CZ12.
Jackie receives his award from Syliva Cheng
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