Assorted Photos

An assortment of recent 'finds'. ...

Jackie About Happy Camp!

Jackie posted these photos on Weibo on Monday with the following message about the Happy Camp dinner. Yesterday I was pleased to take 26 Dragon's Heart teachers and students, about 80 people altogether, for dinner. Then lined...

Happy Camp Ends - Updated

Dragon's Heart Happy Camp ended this last weekend and Jackie took the volunteers out to dinner. During the ten days children from all over China visited museums, played games, sang songs, and experienced "summer camp". Jackie generously signed a variety...

Spiritual Kungfu Lobby Cards

In days gone by cinemas would print and put up photos of upcoming attractions in the lobby, much like todays movie posters, but different in that they were actual photographs that were printed. Often they were also handed out as advertising material....

Jackie Magazine Covers

I was sorting through my photos and realised that I have a number of pictures of magazine covers featuring Jackie. So here is my collection. ...