From the 18th April to 2. May be triggered in Jelgava wind tunnel, which will take place at this time Jackie Chan (Jackie Chan) latest film shooting episodes. Jelgava City Council has received SIA "air sports certification center" with a request to match the wind tunnel operation from the 18th April to 2. May the light of the possible noise levels. Wind tunnel of intense activity center needs, as a result of cooperation between the Chinese movie studio CHINA HERO wants to pick up Jackie Chan's latest movie episodes. It is envisaged that the fly is filming episodes in the wind tunnel will be held from. 9 to 19. Each fly is filming episodes last for one hour with 30 minute breaks.
The vertical wind tunnel enables users to lie in the stream of air and 'fly'.

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Who said people can't fly? YOU CAN!!! Make your dream of flying is real in vertical wind tunnel AERODIUM and get excited! No rope, no parachute. It's something you need to try for sure - FLIGHT! Anyone are welcome to start flying. The strong air stream of the wind tunnel lets a person to lay on it and fly. By changing body positions, the laws of aerodynamics are enable to raise you into the skies, to perform any movements and acrobatics, and to feel unbelievable new emotions. It's something for what you need to come in Latvia.
And if you were wondering where Jackie probably got the idea from - it was showcased at the World Expo in Shanghai last year
wow! looks fun, bet there's a learning curve though.
Will Jackie be there himself, or only scenes will be filmed?
As far as I know yes Jackie will be there.
Cool. Im living in Jelgava. =)
But im sad i will not see him. =(
Hello, I'm glad that you (Jackie Chan) filmed in my small country - Latvia, but I love, that you inclusion diferent things and new options. All films witch you are directing, you try something of ordinary and that make your movie more colled. please never stop after film put cut downs.
may be you can put in some film faighting sceans on ropes who are going from one tree to another abowe 3-4 meter from graund.
If you interesting write and I send you adres in youtube were you can anderestand better.
P.s. I'm hope
Best wishes!
jackie u r simply great.....i'd love 2 c u in my country...india....doin a movie.....wanna meet u frm d bottom of my heart...
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